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Sagittarius Traits Explained

by Malka Nebro December 02, 2020

Sagittarius Traits Explained

Sagittarius comes right after the darkest time of the year, scorpio season. It lasts fromNovember 23rd to December 21st, so don’t we all need a little cheer after a long month of mooding, brooding, and spooking? It’s so perfect that Sagittarius falls during the jolliest time of the year, the leadup to Thanksgiving, Christmas, and the new year.  

Sagittarius is known for being a happy season, as it is ruled by Jupiter who’s landscape, or should we say gas-scape, swirls with reds and light purples. If you’re a Sagittarius or know someone who is, you may be familiar with how they’re known to act. Optimism, adventurism, and independence are a few of their commonly known traits, but with these traits come some less-than-positive stereotypes and assumptions.


If you’re a Sagittarius or know someone who is, you may be familiar with how they’re known to act. Optimism, adventurism, and independence are a few of their commonly known traits, but with these traits come some less-than-positive stereotypes and assumptions. 

Optimism  is one of the main traits of Sagittarius and it’s one of the healthiest character traits one can have. It’s contagious! If you surround yourself with optimistic people, negative thoughts will cross your mind far less frequently. Optimism is great and all, but it’s often misconstrued as naivety, but those who think of this trait that way are just pessimists! Let’s leave the people who put us down behind in 2020. Frankly, there's no more room left for negativity this year. 

Have you ever heard of the  law of attraction, also known as manifestation? It’s the belief that your thoughts bring upon your experiences. Essentially, your positive thoughts can bring positive experiences into your life, and negative experiences can have the opposite effect. The law of attraction and optimism go hand in hand, and the two together are believed to bring light, happiness and prosperity to your life. However, manifestation and optimism simply do not equal naivety. 

Adventurism is yet another common Sag trait, and it's great for the mind and body. Sure, it is sometimes associated with recklessness, but we’re not saying you should cliff dive or buy a motorcycle. However, a hike to a beautiful view or a sweet adrenaline rush from downhill skiing can be a great way to unwind. Adventurism goes hand-in-hand with physical activity, and lucky for you, many accessible  adventures are also safe to do during the COVID-19 pandemic. There’s no better way to exercise your body and mind than partaking in safe outdoor activities like hikes or bike rides with a few close pod-members. 

Independence is the third major Sagittarius trait, and boy is it empowering! Some believe that independence and loneliness are mutually exclusive. That’s yet another pessimist's view, but it all depends how you look at it. There are some aspects of independence that may be lonely; it’s true! For example, living alone or being single is really hard for some people. However, independence is individuality. It’s the ability to fend for yourself, to be strong, and to be unapologetically you: all very empowering ideas! Living alone or being single doesn't mean you have to be lonely. Find ways to foster community and reach out to loved ones, especially in trying times. 

Want to match Jupiter’s colorful swirls and channel your Sagittarius energy this season? Try our jewel-toned purple and fiery red shades for a seasonally appropriate look.

Sagittarius Inspired Nail Art